
其他科室 其他 2013-01-06 09:39  浏览 :3842

  一项多国联合研究显示,对于从重症监护病房(ICU)出院的患者,无论其是否罹患脓毒症,均可出现多个脑区永久性认知功能损害及非特异性脑功能障碍。与健康对照相比,脓毒症幸存者常出现左侧海马萎缩。医生应对ICU患者进行神经保护治疗,避免发生持久的脑功能改变。论文将发表于《神经病学、神经外科学与精神病学杂志》[J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013,84(1):62]。



  Persistent cognitive impairment, hippocampal atrophy and EEG changes in sepsis survivors


  The objective of this preliminary study was to explore long-term changes in neurobehavioral parameters, brain morphology and electroencephalography of sepsis patients who received intensive care compared to non-septic intensive care unit (ICU) patients.


  Two-centre follow-up study 6–24??months after discharge from hospital using published norms and existing databases of healthy controls for comparison. Patients included 25 septic and 19 non-septic ICU survivors who were recruited from two ICUs of a university and community hospital. Measurements used include brain morphology, standard electroencephalography, cognition and psychiatric health and health-related quality of life.


  Sepsis survivors showed cognitive deficits in verbal learning and memory and had a significant reduction of left hippocampal volume compared to healthy controls. Moreover, sepsis and to some extent non-septic ICU patients had more low-frequency activity in the EEG indicating unspecific brain dysfunction. No differences were found in health-related quality of life, psychological functioning or depressive symptoms, and depression could be ruled out as a confounding factor.


  This study demonstrates permanent cognitive impairment in several domains in both septic and non-septic ICU survivors and unspecific brain dysfunction. In the sepsis group, left-sided hippocampal atrophy was found compared to healthy controls. Further study is needed to clarify what contribution sepsis and other factors at the ICU make to these outcomes. Specific neuroprotective therapies are warranted to prevent persisting brain changes in ICU patients.

