尽管抗肥胖药物已经有超过25年的研究历史,但是很少有药物能表现出长期的功效.现在发表于Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism的一篇新的研究报告指出,靶向肠道中的味道传感器可能是抗击肥胖的一个有前途的新策略。
比利时鲁汶天主教大学转化研究中心从事胃肠道功能紊乱研究的Sara Janssen和Inge Depoortere是这项研究的主要参与者,他们检测了这种可能性,为肥胖控制这一课题的研究提供了新的见解.他们说,越来越多的证据暗示,或许我们可以通过选择性地靶向肠道细胞中的味觉受体来避免肥胖和相关疾病的发生发展,即控制它们的激素释放过程,从而控制饱腹感信号.因此我们甚至可以模拟吃过一餐饭后的生理学效应,欺骗身体使之认为已经吃过了食物。
Nutrient sensing in the gut: new roads to therapeutics?
Sara Janssen, Inge Depoortere
The release of gut hormones involved in the control of food intake is dependent on the acute nutritional status of the body, suggesting that chemosensory mechanisms are involved in the control of their release. G protein-coupled taste receptors similar to those in the lingual system, that respond to sweet, bitter, umami, and fatty acids, are expressed in endocrine cells within the gut mucosa, and coordinate, together with other chemosensory signaling elements, the release of hormones that regulate energy and glucose homeostasis. In health, these nutrient sensors are likely to function as inhibitors to excessive nutrient exposure, and their malfunction may be responsible for a variety of metabolic dysfunctions associated with obesity; they may thus be considered as new therapeutic targets.