Sci Transl Med:促进药物通过血脑屏障的纳米技术取得新突破

其他科室 其他 2012-12-23 20:11  浏览 :2753

  大脑是一种很难治疗的器官,在近期刊登在《Science Translational Medicine》期刊上的一项研究,来自美国约翰霍普金斯大学的研究人员说,他们已设计出一种改进的纳米颗粒,当在鼠类和人组织上接受测试时,它能够安全和可预见性地深入渗透进大脑之中。并且他们发现一种方法来阻止嵌入药物的纳米颗粒附着到它们的周围环境之中,这样当进入大脑时,它们能够扩散开来。



  论文第一作者Elizabeth Nance和神经外科医师Graeme Woodworth博士猜测,如果运送药物的纳米颗粒与它们的周边环境发生的相互作用最小化,那么药物渗透作用可能会得到改善。Nance首先利用一种临床测试分子聚乙二醇(PEG)来包被不同大小的纳米塑料珠,其中其他人已证实PEG能够保护纳米颗粒不受体内防御机制的破坏。研究人员也推断一层厚的PEG可能也让这些珠子更加光滑。


  研究人员随后研究了携带化疗药物紫杉醇(paclitaxel)的生物可降解的纳米颗粒,并利用PEG包被它们。 与期待中的一样,在大鼠脑组织中,没有PEG包被的纳米颗粒极少移动,而包被有PEG的纳米颗粒在脑组织中非常好地分布。



  A Dense Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Coating Improves Penetration of Large Polymeric Nanoparticles Within Brain Tissue

  Elizabeth A. Nance1,2,*, Graeme F. Woodworth1,3,*, Kurt A. Sailor4, Ting-Yu Shih2, Qingguo Xu1,5, Ganesh Swaminathan2, Dennis Xiang2, Charles Eberhart1,5,6 and Justin Hanes

  Prevailing opinion suggests that only substances up to 64 nm in diameter can move at appreciable rates through the brain extracellular space (ECS). This size range is large enough to allow diffusion of signaling molecules, nutrients, and metabolic waste products, but too small to allow efficient penetration of most particulate drug delivery systems and viruses carrying therapeutic genes, thereby limiting effectiveness of many potential therapies. We analyzed the movements of nanoparticles of various diameters and surface coatings within fresh human and rat brain tissue ex vivo and mouse brain in vivo. Nanoparticles as large as 114 nm in diameter diffused within the human and rat brain, but only if they were densely coated with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Using these minimally adhesive PEG-coated particles, we estimated that human brain tissue ECS has some pores larger than 200 nm and that more than one-quarter of all pores are ≥100 nm. These findings were confirmed in vivo in mice, where 40- and 100-nm, but not 200-nm, nanoparticles spread rapidly within brain tissue, only if densely coated with PEG. Similar results were observed in rat brain tissue with paclitaxel-loaded biodegradable nanoparticles of similar size (85 nm) and surface properties. The ability to achieve brain penetration with larger nanoparticles is expected to allow more uniform, longer-lasting, and effective delivery of drugs within the brain, and may find use in the treatment of brain tumors, stroke, neuroinflammation, and other brain diseases where the blood-brain barrier is compromised or where local delivery strategies are feasible.
