
其他科室 其他 2013-01-23 10:57  浏览 :2219
导读 日本的研究人员将来自小鼠的诱导多能干细胞(iPSCs) 注射回与该小鼠基因完全相同的小鼠中,并指出这样做并不会引发免疫反应,这一结果与之前另一项研究的结果相矛盾。在那篇文章中,研究人员指出利用该技术会导致机体的免疫反应,进而破坏注入的细胞。这项新

 日本的研究人员将来自小鼠的诱导多能干细胞(iPSCs) 注射回与该小鼠基因完全相同的小鼠中,并指出这样做并不会引发免疫反应,这一结果与之前另一项研究的结果相矛盾。在那篇文章中,研究人员指出利用该技术会导致机体的免疫反应,进而破坏注入的细胞。这项新研究发表在Nature杂志上,研究者们将iPSCs注入一个小鼠的胚胎中,再将该小鼠的胚胎移植到与其基因完全相同的小鼠中,而后者并没有出现明显的免疫反应。

Negligible immunogenicity of terminally differentiated cells derived from induced plu**otent or embryonic stem cells
Ryoko Araki,1, 2 Masahiro Uda,1 Yuko Hoki,1 Misato Sunayama,1 Miki Nakamura,1 Shunsuke Ando,1 Mayumi Sugiura,1 Hisashi Ideno,1, 3 Akemi Shimada,3 Akira Nifuji1, 3 & Masumi Abe1
The advantages of using induced plu**otent stem cells (iPSCs) instead of embryonic stem (ES) cells in regenerative medicine centre around circumventing concerns about the ethics of using ES cells and the likelihood of immune rejection of ES-cell-derived tissues. However, partial reprogramming and genetic instabilities in iPSCs could elicit immune responses in transplant recipients even when iPSC-derived differentiated cells are transplanted. iPSCs are first differentiated into specific types of cells in vitro for subsequent transplantation. Although model transplantation experiments have been conducted using various iPSC-derived differentiated tissues and immune rejections have not been observed, careful investigation of the immunogenicity of iPSC-derived tissue is becoming increasingly critical, especially as this has not been the focus of most studies done so far. A recent study reported immunogenicity of iPSC- but not ES-cell-derived teratomas and implicated several causative genes. Nevertheless, some controversy has arisen regarding these findings. Here we examine the immunogenicity of differentiated skin and bone marrow tissues derived from mouse iPSCs. To ensure optimal comparison of iPSCs and ES cells, we established ten integration-free iPSC and seven ES-cell lines using an inbred mouse strain, C57BL/6. We observed no differences in the rate of success of transplantation when skin and bone marrow cells derived from iPSCs were compared with ES-cell-derived tissues. Moreover, we observed limited or no immune responses, including T-cell infiltration, for tissues derived from either iPSCs or ES cells, and no increase in the expression of the immunogenicity-causing Zg16 and Hormad1 genes in regressing skin and teratoma tissues. Our findings suggest limited immunogenicity of transplanted cells differentiated from iPSCs and ES cells.
